Party: The Woolshed VIP Card sign up day

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The Woolshed VIP Card sign up day

Club: The Woolshed Nightclub

Upcoming: 58
Date: 29.04.2016 17:30
Address: 24 Shields Street, Cairns, Australia | show on the map »

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Party: The Woolshed VIP Card sign up day

Hey Everyone!
Anybody in Cairns Hospo or anyone that has a VIP card we are going to be switching you guys over to our brand new cards, this is also a great opportunity for new hospo peeps to come and enrol as VIP or Members!
We are going to have live music, free nibbles and the typical VIP treatment!
-Please bring I.D
-Current VIP Card
-Copy of payslip or electronic version if you havent got a VIP card.
(You will sign up using one of our membership forms and we will get the cards out to you over the next few days)

See you all there.

The Woolshed.
