Party: Latin American Music Festival at The Ellington
Main page > The Ellington Jazz Club - Perth > Latin American Music Festival at The Ellington
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*** $10 MOJITOS ***
*** $10 CAIPIRINHAS ***
*** $10 MARGARITAS ***
*** $7 SOL BEER ***
We're celebrating Latin American music over one big weekend at The Ellington!
The amazing line-up is as follows:
Thurs 8th 7pm: Juliana Frassatti
Fri 9th 7pm: Quinteto Sao Paulo's Alternate Latin Universe
Fri 9th 10:30pm: Victoria Newton's Brazilian Festa
Sat 10th 7pm: Juliana Areias - Bossa Nova Baby
Sat 10th 10:30pm: Orquesta Yambeque
Sun 11th 7pm: Cuban Folk
Snap up your tickets fast for these amazing shows!