Party: Screaming Jets

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Screaming Jets

Club: Revesby Workers

Upcoming: 93
Date: 05.12.2014 20:00
Address: 2B Brett Street, Revesby, Australia | show on the map »

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Party: Screaming Jets

The upcoming national tour for The Screaming Jets is going to be something very special, for fans and the band alike. The iconic rock band, originally from Newcastle, are currently putting the final touches on their 2014 tour dates.

25 years seems like a hell of a long time to stick at one job, but when your job is to rock out as much as you can - it can feel like it’s flying by in the blink of an eye. 2014 marks the 25th anniversary of The Screaming Jets. With 6 studio albums under their belt, and literally thousands of gigs throughout the world from one horse towns to global meccas, the Jets have been there and done that….when it comes to this crazy rock n roll circus. To celebrate this massive milestone The Screaming Jets are heading back on the road in October to celebrate with all their fans and friends round this big brown rocking land.

"To think we started in 1989 and we’re still doing it 25 years later to massive crowds around the country is unbelievable. Anyone who’s seen 'Insanitary' - the video - would know that I expected to be dead by 30, which would definitely have put a dent in our 25 year celebrations. We can’t wait to get out on the road to tour Australia again." - Dave Gleeson


Invited: Alicia Adkins, Adam Frazier, Lauren Allison, Adam Arruda, Ben Mcculloch, Tina Couri, Johnny Cass, Aao Melbourne, Jason Lyne, Aaron Michael, Alex Legg, Clay Couter, Adam Church, Paolo Noiosi, Amber O'Grady, Dee Solomons, Denise Smee, Angeltom Baker, Belinda Watters, Sandra Styles, Sabrina Therese show more »
