Party: Addicted Forever!
Main page > Fratelli Timisoara > Addicted Forever!
Upcoming: 41
Date: 17.11.2017 23:30
Address: 1 Bd Corneliu Coposu, Timisoara, Romania | show on the map »
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Addicted Forever!
If you are reading this you are preparing be part of a night dedicated entirely to you!
Summer or winter, on rainy or sunny nights, you have, throughout all the years, honored us with your presence. It has been an amazing ride and the future looks even better.
It’s more than a relationship, it’s an addiction.
We want to reward your passion with a weekend dedicated to all you long-term fans of Fratelli, so this Friday, the 17th of November, we dance with the residents.
With no further introductions required, DJ Julyan Dubson and MC Silviu Andrei are ready to party until morning. See you after 11.30pm!
For reservations: [email protected]/ +4.0722.122.123
Fratelli reserves the right to select its clients, due to the capacity of the locations and the reservation list.
Access 18 +
Never drink & drive
We do not endorse the use of drugs