Party: Get Keen for 2018 - Warm up Party

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Party: Get Keen for 2018 - Warm up Party

Get Keen for 2018 - have your PRE'S with us

Beat the TAXI rush downtown, beat the Line Up's
and Warm up with the Cube Hotel

This is you chance to have the ULTIMATE SUNDAY SESSION with us - then party the NIGHT AWAY and see in 2018

an ALL Inclusive package - WARM UP PARTY
in the NEW Garden Bar

Warm up with 5 hours of unlimited drinks
Warm up with 5 hours of unlimited food

Ultimate snacking selection to keep you taste bud satisfied.
Gourmet Pizza's, Chips and Dips, Chefs Hot Savouries, Noodles boxes and more...

Ultimate selection to suit all your mates taste buds
All Tap Beers, including the very session-able twisted palm pale ale
House Wines, to get the conversation flowing
also try our Range of Cocktails and Cocktail jugs, including Espresso Martini's Strawberry Daiquiri's and Passionfruit spritz

Then Party the Night Away
At 10pm it is Clubbing as normal
