Party: Community Pancake Breakfast

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Community Pancake Breakfast

Club: Amherst VFW Post 754

Upcoming: 16
Date: 06.05.2017 08:00
Address: 457 Main St, Amherst, United States | show on the map »

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Party: Community Pancake Breakfast

We are hosting this Pancake Breakfast in support to our Post. As a non-profit organization we rely on events and donations to help support our veterans, their families and dependents and our local community. By attending our breakfast it will in turn help fund not only veteran and community based events, but also help creating new programs for our local veterans and the community. Help us spread the word by inviting veterans, family, friends and neighbors.
We will have raffles and donation jars, along with a great breakfast and information on the programs our organization currently offers for veterans and the community. We hope to see you there.
