Party: Guilty Pleasures
Main page > Venus Club > Guilty Pleasures
Upcoming: 4
Date: 23.09.2016 23:00
Address: Vana-Viru 14, Tallinn, Estonia | show on the map »
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Sellel patusel ja salapärasel ööl, mil kõik keelatu on lubatud, toob teieni tantsumuusika parimad palad DJ Madis Ojaliiv. Baarileti löövad särama kaunid Blush Dancers. Kirgliku maitseelamuse eest hoolitseb Jack Daniel´s.
NB! Soovid sissepääsu eelisjärjekorras? Osta pilet juba täna
Pilet kell 23:00-24:00 € 4.00, kliendikaardiga € 2.00
Alates 24:00 € 8.00, kliendikaardiga € 6.00
Most beautiful ladies and desired gentlemen will gather in Venus, to enjoy mind-boggling Guilty Pleasures. This party brings to you an evening of entertainment, dancing and shameless blameless fun. Best dance music will be played by DJ Madis Ojaliiv. Marvelous dance show will be presented by Blush Dancers.
Cocktails will be served by Jack Daniel´s.
it gives me much pleasure…mmm
Skip the queue and buy a VIP ticket here:
Ticket 23:00-24:00 € 4, with Client Card € 2.00
After 24:00 € 8.00, with Client Card € 6.00