Party: Alternative Crossing (EINTRITT FREI)

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Alternative Crossing (EINTRITT FREI)

Club: Südbahnhof Chemnitz

Upcoming: 13
Date: 05.03.2015 21:00
Address: Reichenhainer Straße 1, Chemnitz, Germany | show on the map »

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Party: Alternative Crossing (EINTRITT FREI)

Independent music for independent people

Alternative Crossover Floor:

DJ Factory 4X
(all alternate Rockstyles)

Infos unter:

Invited: Chris Sy, Robert Brauer, Ðat Wolle, Risch Hart R. Steppenwolf, Michael Speck, Raoul Duke, Mono Kuma, Steve Kü, Grüssy Grun, Chrisy CocoRosie, Robin Zinn, David Reichert, XQ Endzeitnarr, Susi Schmidt, Steve Rocco Baumann, Chrissy Schmiedel, Sascha Braun, Yve Robbe
