Party: Vlad In Tears "Souls On Sale" Tour - Münster

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Vlad In Tears

Club: Sputnikhalle Münster

Upcoming: 11
Date: 15.04.2018 19:00
Address: Am Hawerkamp 31 c, Münster, Germany | show on the map »

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Party: Vlad In Tears "Souls On Sale" Tour - Münster

Vlad In Tears (Dark Rock)
Rain Diary
First Born
Einlass: 19.00 Uhr - Beginn: 20.00 Uhr - VVK: 16,50 € zzgl. Gebühren - Ak: 19,50 €
Tickets: sowie an allen bekannten Vorverkaufsstellen erhältlich.

Ende 2017 brachten die Wahlberliner von Vlad In Tears das dunkelste und reinste Album ihrer Karriere raus: "Souls On Sale". Die Band rund um Sänger Kris Vlad macht mit ihrem sechsten Longplayer einen gewaltigen Schritt nach vorne und legt eine Punktlandung hin. Harte Riffs, brillante Lyrics und treibende Beats wurden perfekt abgemischt um ihren Fans – und die, die es noch werden sollen – das perfekte Album zu servieren. Rain Diary is a Finnish darkwave / dark rock band that plays urban gothic pop tunes. The band bears characteristic sound that hails to the Dzgolden era of Finnish dark music scenedz: Charismatic vocals laid on melancholic musical texture. That said, Rain Diary brings a whole another dimension into the mood and color that has been labeled to the most Finnish bands: Drumming electronics, yet fragile interpretation, loud and restless city noises and the silence of the ever green forests. Rain Diary sounds nothing but itself. It is time for revolt. We will not fit into the mold that they made for us. We are the firstborn and we will make our own destiny… Alternative rock band FIRSTBORN are claiming their own path with their self-titled debut album. Hailing from Borås in the Southern regions of Sweden, music was Marcus Carlzon, Joachim Ragnarsson and Simon Näsström best chance of escape. Whenever possible, they would work on their songs so that FIRSTBORN could shout their message into the world.
