Party: European Outdoor Film Tour 2016/2017 comes to Kino Kosmos!

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European Outdoor Film Tour 2016/2017 comes to Kino Kosmos!

Club: Ronimisministeerium

Upcoming: 11
Date: 07.03.2017 19:00
Address: Tartu mnt 80 E, Tallinn, Estonia | show on the map »

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Party: European Outdoor Film Tour 2016/2017 comes to Kino Kosmos!

Throughout the last 15 years European Outdoor Film Tour (E.O.F.T.) has followed the following principles: no script, no actors, no special effects and no second takes. Only true stories, authentic characters and true adventure! THIS IS REAL!
On 7.3. Ronimisministeerium and United Motors bring E.O.F.T. to Tallinn, making Kino Kosmos one of the more than 300 venues in 14 countries that E.O.F.T. travels through.
During the evening, we watch seven films featuring rock climbing, wingsuit base-jumping, kayaking, free skiing, mountain biking and mountaineering.
During the intermission, Rusland Aizatulin, an active climber at Ronimisministeerium, will share with us first-hand account of his recent winter expedition to the Ural Mountains and we will raffle away a few long weekends with a brand new BMW X1.
Here is your chance to experience outdoor adventure films as they ought to be seen – from a big screen. Tickets are available from Ronimisministeerium and Kinos Kosmos. Best seats go first, so be quick!
More information on the movies:

Ticket: 10 eur

Note: the films and presentation are in English.
