Party: Pure White - Show your Innocence

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Pure White - Show your Innocence

Club: Rheinsubstanz, Bad Honnef

Upcoming: 111
Date: 20.11.2014 23:00
Address: Rheinpromenade 4, Bad Honnef am Rhein, Germany | show on the map »

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Party: Pure White - Show your Innocence

Ihr habt am 20.11 noch nichts vor?

Dann geben wir euch die Möglichkeit mal wieder richtig zu feiern und unter dem motto "Pure White- Show your innocence" die Nacht zum Tag zu machen.

Natürlich wird es an Special nicht fehlen, es gibt Gin Tonic für 4 euro, ihr bekommt Glowsticks und Welcomshots!

Wie immer wenn der Leo-Club Bad Honnef eine Party schmeißt, geht es uns auch um den guten Zweck,deshalb geht der Erlös an den Förderkreis Bonn.

Ab 23.00 uhr stehen die Türen für euch offen und mit 5 euro seid ihr dabei!

Also verbringt mit uns einen unvergesslichen Abend ganz in weiß!

You have no plans for the 20th of November yet?

At Rheinsubstanz you have the possibility to enjoy an awesome party where you can show your innocence!
This year the theme is called “pure white – show your innocence” and we`re looking forward to see you like that.
Of course we are offering some specials like Gin Tonic for only 4 euros and as another special we will offer you some glow sticks.

The entrance fee is 5 euros and for that you will have an unforgettable and awesome night!
Furthermore you will have the opportunity to take pictures in our photo area to make your memories with your friends last forever. So don’t miss it!

Moreover you will do something good by participating in the party, because the receipts will go to the “Förderkreis Bonn” it’s a society for the promotion of children and teenagers with cancer.
We are looking forward to see you and to enjoy an unforgettable night!

Invited: Josephine Merelli, Ximena Quijano, Cathy Lührs, 'Faraz Siddiqui, Niko Nieländer, Chri V. Ostau, Susanne Östergren, Bry Shumpert, Renata Rękas, Adrienne Anastasia Madeleine, Lukas Makesamillion Schmidt, Tariq Essa, Alizée Tradewind, Nele Reiners, Klee Gilles, Ezgi Celebi, Laurén Schmidt, Iuliia Polishchuk, Bob Degener, Sascha Kun, Pyeah Rasmusen show more »