Party: Thee Oh Sees, Blind Shake, OBN IIIs

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Thee Oh Sees, Blind Shake, OBN IIIs

Club: republik

Upcoming: 129
Date: 18.10.2013 21:00
Address: 219 17ave SW, Calgary, Canada | show on the map »

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Party: Thee Oh Sees, Blind Shake, OBN IIIs

"In an age where any jackass kid with a four-track can bathe his ill-conceived “songs” in feedback and then post them to the internet overnight, John Dwyer has become something of an elder statesmen in the nebulous and increasingly popular garage/punk rock underground, and he did it the old-fashioned way." - Paste

The Blind Shake are a detuned, garage-stomp, punk trio from Minneapolis, MN. Two brothers, Mike and Jim Blaha, front the band and play baritone and regular guitar respectively, while longtime chum Dave Roper plays drums.

Known for ferocious live shows and collaborations with psychedelic noise legend Michael Yonkers, The Blind Shake have toured North American basements and bars for several years and have released six albums and a handful of singles.

OBN III’s started as a threat. In January 2010 that threat became a reality when they played their first of many shows at Beerland in Austin, TX. Orville Bateman Neeley III, the band’s singer and namesake, teamed up with Matt Hammer on drums, Jason Smith and Andrew Cashen on guitars and Graham Low on bass at the very end of 2009. With the intention of filling a spot on the show calendar this new band came together in two weeks with a 30 minute set of material. Success! Before long OBN III’s were playing every week in Austin, or so it seemed.

Tickets are $18 in Advance at and Sloth Records
