Party: MPSA Exec Applications

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Party: MPSA Exec Applications

Interested in joining the MPSA Executive Council?

The following positions will be open to new candidates:
a. VP Internal
b. VP External
c. VP Communications
d. VP Academic
e. VP Science
f. VP Arts
g. U3 Representative
h. U2 Representative
i. VP Finance
j. U1 Representative
k. NTC Coordinators (2)
l. Journal Coordinator

For information about the responsibilities of each position, check out our website!

The applications are NOW LIVE and they are due to be turned in to our office by Monday March 19 at 5:30 PM. candidates must collect a minimum of 20 nomination signatures from their peers majoring/minoring in Psychology, and each candidate is only permitted to apply for one position. Signature sheets can be found below

For any questions about elections, contact us at

EXEC APPLICATIONS ARE LIVE! See positions available in the event description, fill out this document, collect your 20 signatures, and return it to the MPSA office by March 19th, 5:30pm!!
