Party: Blindfox

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Party: Blindfox

Blindfox is composed of two skilled french musicians from western France's city of Nantes on the Atlantic coast. For this musical project Kevin Hill and David Bernard are both playing guitar and sing. Kevin Hill is a Franco-english autodidact musician while David Bernard is a confirmed guitar professor that as studied for years this instrument at the Conservatoire de Nantes. Both of them plays music since their childhood and had played in several musical projects before Blindfox. They signs and arrange their songs together.

Invited: Aleksandra Kulesza, Christian Scholz, Jules Neumann, Kanack Vuygulanzj, Lukasz Wolejko-Wolejszo, Fritzi De Lille, Ingers Wagner, Anita Baron, Chris Hartung, Stephanie Cooper, Renee Ssance Sacreditee, Julana Chondrasch, Toño Serna, Katerina Pavlou, Martin Thumann, Linsey Fryatt, Jendrik Schewe, Paula Daunt, Lee Leevike, Ko Ki, Alessia Cocca show more »
