Party: Donnerstag - 02.10.2014 // 15 Jahre Cafe Europa - The Golden Years

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Donnerstag - 02.10.2014 // 15 Jahre Cafe Europa - The Golden Years

Club: Cafe Europa

Upcoming: 145
Date: 02.10.2014 23:00
Address: Jahnplatz 4, Bielefeld, Germany | show on the map »

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Party: Donnerstag - 02.10.2014 // 15 Jahre Cafe Europa - The Golden Years

15 Jahre Cafe Europa - The Golden Years // Donnerstag ab 23:00 Uhr

CAFE EUROPA : Best of 15 Years Cafe Europa
by Dezibl & Marcel Sawitzki

PENTHOUSE : R!SE // Black, RnB, Oldschool
by DJ Shoko

LOUNGE : House & Electro
by 3MD

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Invited: Max Büffel Lueg, Dimitrios Kalpakidis, Vuslat Güler, Seif Bouguessa, Anna Kirschner, Nane C. Meyer, Effi Rie, Arash Shokuri, Salesman Uyan, Say N Cşkngnl, Julia Kastner, Marvin Wellhausen, DjSedat Arslan, Katharina Quiñones, Nataša Jerkić, Mario Konradi, Jacky Widmer, Hanna Biel, Elena Gdi, Fero Belalim, Ayşegül Beyaz show more »
