Party: Super Concert Claudia Joi 29 Ianuarie 2015

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Super Concert Claudia Joi 29 Ianuarie 2015

Club: Bellagio Live Club Bistrita

Upcoming: 294
Date: 29.01.2015 22:00
Address: Bistrita, Bistrita, Romania | show on the map »

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Party: Super Concert Claudia Joi 29 Ianuarie 2015

Super Concert Claudia Joi 29 Ianuarie 2015
Invitat Alin de la Bistrita si Formatia..
Informatii si Rezervari: 0759 025 736

Va asteptam

Invited: Sas Cristian Marian, Blondu Photograph, Capotă Ionuț, Dumitrean Calin, Unu Si Acelas, Cristian Ghit, Ionut Grigore, Fritsch Alexa, Ovidiu Chifa, Pacurar Lucian, Shobby Sof, George Vg, Ionela Somesan, Nagy-Popescu Alexandru, Radu Florian Tofan, Răzvan Bărbos, Dana Costinasi, Bodi Botond, Cristiana Sabău, Galateanu Iulian, Gusti Danci show more »
