Party: Dirk Geiger (DE) - Miktek (GR) - Xander Moss (GR) feat.Anireta Duma live

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Party: Dirk Geiger (DE) - Miktek (GR) - Xander Moss (GR) feat.Anireta Duma live

Ωγύγου 16 και Λεπενιώτου 24, Ψυρρή

Παρασκευή 17 Απριλίου ο Miktek και ο Xander Moss
feat. Anireta Duma
για πρώτη φορά live στη σκηνή του Death Disco,
με headliner τον Dirk Geiger [IDM, Glitch, Ambient]]
ο οποίος μετά την επιτυχημένη του πρώτη εμφάνιση επισκέπτεται ξανά την χώρα μας στα πλαίσια της κυκλοφορίας του νέου του album
"Connected Worlds".

Λίγο πρίν την έναρξη του live αλλά και αμέσως μετά
"Awake The Machines" party με τους
Leo Skiadas / ExpiK & Bill Mourikis
ν'αναλαμβάνουν τα decks του Death Disco
με ακούσματα απο τον χώρο της
IDM / Electro / Industrial σκηνής.

Live projects:

* Dirk Geiger (DE)

Dirk Geiger was born in Tübingen Germany.
Even in his younger years he was involved in music.
At the age of 15, Dirk took up DJing and within a few years began to produce his own music and formed the band Kraftmaschine which he still takes an active part in today. In 2002, he formed the music label Raumklang Music, releasing works from such artists as Hotaru Bay, Klangstabil, Defekt, Schwarzer Engel, and his own debut album ‘Dondukov 15‘.
For the past few years Dirk Geiger has been working on a self titled solo project in which he mainly produces music that could fall into the genres of IDM, Glitch, and Ambient.

* Miktek (GR)

Mihalis Aikaterinis is the name behind project Miktek, born in Mytilene (Lesvos island /Greece).
Miktek is in a constant exploration of various soundscapes, styles and atmospheres; experimenting in a large scale of electronic music mostly in Ambient / IDM / Downtempo . His music has been described as meticulously crafted from beginning to end, featuring unique percussion, palpable atmospheres and subtle melodies.

* Xander Moss (GR) feat. Anireta Duma

Xander Moss combines several genres, from Ambient and Industrial to Lounge and Classical Music, trying to evoke and express feelings, memories and images from the timeless universe and beyond.
Xander Moss studied classical music from early age and very soon started to become interested in electronic music.His first influences was from industrial and techno scenes.Shortly thereafter he started to experiment with more abstract sounds and various elements from IDM music. The music is still evolving and everyday new elements and ideas are proposed.

Supported by:
Raumklang rec.
Ultimae rec.
Le Disque Noir Records Shop

Ώρα έναρξης 00:00
Είσοδος 9€ (με μπύρα/κρασί)

Invited: Katerina Bilitou, Kypros Tymvios, Di Kay, Titika Koufovasili, Alex Panay, Alexandros Kousoulakos, Effie Thrashard, Leo Skiadas, Tara Saavedra, Tax Liaskas, Kate Porcelain, Simon Bertiou, Hro Call, Giannis Mantonanakis, Dimitris Menounos, Lampros Lagos, Antonis Scandalis, Dani Veit, Poppy Dalachani, Nassos Callitsis, Vasilis Digital-skulls show more »
